Sunday, May 29, 2011

Book Raving

Eleven books, all total costs RM230, though five of them are from the 70% bargain bin:3 ( One’s at Ammar, remind me later; that Japanese Detective Essays.)

And now I'm thinking, Where can I find the space to put all of these in?

And yet I am still thinking about that book that was already in someone's hand (The History of Hindu Mythology or something).

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Agh the dreaded human contact/interaction to people-I-know-they-have-better-things-to-do-than-listen-to-me-whine-about-their-support-so-I-continue-to-master degree.

*thickens skin*

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Doze off

I'm not exactly very proud of this-____-

But the good thing now is I've kicked my narcoleptic habit:D

Drawn after trying to draw something with books. Doodled two on-theme sketches before rendezvous-ing into this. Yeah. Oh god it's 3 am what am I doing.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lovely Workspace

At the top is old workspace. Below are the current workspace, now with an extra large screenXD
Also thanks to the giant display screen, my workspace is where my bros hangout during his sem break (to play DOTA lah what else. main game lain ok la gak).
Menyibuk je masa orang nak buat keje drawing. You can tell this is where I spend my late nights doing office drawings and personal drawings and goofing off at the internet.

And right next to my little comfy bed.....oookayyy if I ever get a chance to have a home office I need to hide the bed and put it as far away from my workspace.

Giler best ada extended dual screen. But just one problem. I don't know which screen is the 'true' display in colour O___o Mind telling me what you can see there.

Oh yes art drawing. When I finished that cursed shoplot working drawing AAAUUGH

My head is feeling numb.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pretty Lady WIP

Going Mucha style for the background, cos I've never properly tried Mucha style before this. And I guess this is good practice to design backgrounds, as I have always kinda suck at it.

Now I have to go back to work-___-